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Mallow is a perennial plant that can be grown as an annual or biannual and is a standing plant that grows 1.5 to 2 meters long. Native to southwest Asia and Europe, this plant has large flowers and comes in pink, light purple, red, white, lilac, and yellow. It grows in rich and well-drained soil and has many therapeutic uses. Some people use mallow to prevent and treat breathing and digestive problems, as well as to treat wounds and painful swelling (inflammation) of the skin.

At what time of the year is mallow harvested?

It should be harvested in July and dried in the summer after harvest. One kilogram of dry leaves is obtained from four to six kilograms of fresh leaves.

Benefits of mallow for body health:

1.Treating a sore throat

Treating a sore throat To treat a sore throat, it is helpful to boil some water, add mallow to eat and drink. It is very useful for relieving a sore throat.

2.Against cold

In addition to treating sore throats and heartburn, mallow is also a treatment for colds. Consuming a cup of mallow tea can relieve colds and reduce fever.

3.Solve breathing problems

To relieve respiratory problems, nasal congestion or asthma, drink mallow tea. Mallow helps to treat your respiratory problems with its very valuable benefits. You can use this plant as a natural remedy at home.

4.Rich in minerals and vitamins

The roots of this flowering plant contain a good amount of vitamin C and vitamin B complex. Also in the roots of this plant are minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper.

5.Benefits for women

The flowers and roots of this plant can be used to reduce inflammation in the uterus and kidneys. It is also used to treat vaginal discharge.

6.Regt den Appetit an

Mallow can be used as an appetizer. Starch in the roots increases appetite in the body.

7.Better blood circulation in the body

Kochen Sie Malve mit Wasser und trinken Sie es. Das Trinken von abgekochter Malve ist sehr wirksam bei der Verbesserung des Blutes.

Benefits of mallow for the skin:

1.Ability to retain moisture and keep skin moist

The extract of this plant moisturizes, softens the skin and eliminates dry skin. The extract of this plant gives the skin more flexibility and elasticity, keeping it young and radiant.

2.Treats skin inflammation

Mallow root has anti-inflammatory properties and effects that can relieve various skin problems like eczema, psoriasis and other skin problems. Also, mallow root is effective in healing wounds and cuts, scrapes and minor wounds on the skin.

3.Relieves burns and stomach ulcers

Mallow stalks and roots can be rubbed on your burns to help heal and relieve pain. The moisturizing properties of these roots keep the area moist while preventing the affected area from drying out.

Benefits of mallow for hair:

1.Smooths hair and eliminates hair complexity

The combined application of mallow root on the surface of the scalp and hair smoothes the structure and prevents hair breakage. It also counteracts dry scalp and hair due to its moisturizing properties.

1.Keeps hair soft and shiny

Mallow can be used as a natural cleanser, which is very good for brittle and weak, dry hair. With its superficial properties, it moisturizes the skin and hair surface, strengthens brittle and weak hair and has a very good influence on the suppleness and shine of the hair.

2.Natural and beautiful hair color

With the help of mallow, we can naturally dye our hair with detergent. Add a few bluish-purple flowers to boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, then shake, smooth and spray onto hair. Leave on for 15 minutes. Washing your hair with your shampoo turns the yellow layers of your gray hair color into an easy and beautiful coloring. Use twice a week to keep the beautiful and easy color without damaging your hair.

Disadvantages of mallow:

1.Pregnancy and lactation

There is not enough information about the consumption of mallow during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is better to be careful and avoid consumption of mallow during pregnancy and lactation.


Mallow consumption in people with diabetes may lower blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes and consume mallow, be sure to lower and carefully monitor your blood sugar


Mallow consumption lowers blood sugar, so it is better to avoid eating mallow two weeks before an operation.


On this page you will learn about the useful and amazing properties of mallow and you may think about using it. Do not forget that you should not overuse any of the medicinal plants and otherwise be sure to consult a doctor.

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Our activity is in the field of medicinal plants as this field is part of our work interest and expertise as well as part of the medical need for human health. Since Iran is an ancient country with traditional and well-known science in this field, we can make a significant contribution to human health and medicinal plant trade with natural products, and add value to people’s health. The medicinal plants are useful in the treatment of many diseases and have no side effects compared to chemical medicines. The production and supply of medicinal plants can significantly improve the health and quality of life of people worldwide, thereby saving the exorbitant costs of industrial and chemical medicines. There is no harm in taking herbal medicines and the most important description that can be given of medicinal plants is that their consumption is not harmful. That means they have no side effects if left untreated. In some cases, the use of chemical drugs has many side effects that are more dangerous than the disease itself, and therefore the general tendency to use herbal medicines has increased. On the other hand, the cost of chemical treatment is very high, especially for those who do not have to use various insurance institutions and buy medicines. Therefore, they use herbal medicines that are less dangerous for them and at the same time cheaper. Of course, it is recommended to take any kind of herbal medicine with the advice of a doctor.