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What is Safflower?

This plant has protein and a large part of it consists of oil, which is suitable for nutrition and nourishment.

What are the properties and benefits of safflower?


1.The plant is rich in vitamins and has antioxidant properties. The use of this plant reduces the risk of cancer and eliminates free radicals in the long term.

2.Safflower contains unsaturated fats and its consumption is useful for cardiovascular patients. The oil from the seeds of this plant also lowers blood cholesterol levels and is a useful drug in preventing sudden paralysis and strokes.

3. Another benefit of safflower is the regulation of menstruation and the relief of pain before menstruation.

4.Safflower is useful for strengthening nerves

5. Safflower helps against pain.

6.This plant has an expectorant effect and is useful for lung diseases such as pneumonia.

7It is used to treat jaundice and jaundice in children.

8.Safflower helps treat infertility in women. Eating this plant also strengthens the body as well as sexual power and sperm volume in men.

9The petals can be used topically to reduce wrinkles, eczema, inflammation and redness of the skin.

10.Massage the hair with safflower and the mask prepared with the plant and its oil strengthens and refreshes the hair.

Amount and consumption of the safflower plant

Abkochung: Geben Sie 20 g Blüten und Früchte dieser Pflanze in 1 l kochendes Wasser und kochen Sie es vorsichtig, bis ihr Volumen ein Drittel des ursprünglichen Volumens erreicht. Dann abseihen und dreimal täglich verzehren.

Safflower Oil: This vegetable oil is available at grocery stores.

Disadvantages of safflower (precautions and contraindications)

  • Consuming this plant triggers allergies in some people
  • The use of this herb should be stopped two weeks before an operation because of the possibility of excessive bleeding after the operation.



Safflower is an annual plant.
The beginning of the growth of the safflower plant is from the beginning of March to the end of April. The amount and consumption of safflower has not had any side effects so far. Traditionally planted, safflower needs warm air and sunlight to grow. Therefore, this plant should be grown in tropical areas as it is sensitive to cold and dries out.


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Our activity is in the field of medicinal plants as this field is part of our work interest and expertise as well as part of the medical need for human health. Since Iran is an ancient country with traditional and well-known science in this field, we can make a significant contribution to human health and medicinal plant trade with natural products, and add value to people’s health. The medicinal plants are useful in the treatment of many diseases and have no side effects compared to chemical medicines. The production and supply of medicinal plants can significantly improve the health and quality of life of people worldwide, thereby saving the exorbitant costs of industrial and chemical medicines. There is no harm in taking herbal medicines and the most important description that can be given of medicinal plants is that their consumption is not harmful. That means they have no side effects if left untreated. In some cases, the use of chemical drugs has many side effects that are more dangerous than the disease itself, and therefore the general tendency to use herbal medicines has increased. On the other hand, the cost of chemical treatment is very high, especially for those who do not have to use various insurance institutions and buy medicines. Therefore, they use herbal medicines that are less dangerous for them and at the same time cheaper. Of course, it is recommended to take any kind of herbal medicine with the advice of a doctor.